Beer we go again.

I’ve been all over the world now for SAB Miller; In fact I think I’m probably the only Englishman that’s ever been to Peru twice without ever seeing Macchu Piccu. Before I went to Honduras all I knew about the place was that they were about as bad as England in the World Cup and they had a rather dubious government. Even it’s point on the map was a surprise. Central America always just seems to get a bit messy in my head. Here’s a map.
We started in San Pedro Sula, a disparate place with gated communities of rich people protecting their wealth from the poor over the wall, not completely unjustified though, apparently kidnapping is a popular pastime. First stop was the brewery, again I’ve been in lots of them now and my emphasis here was on the people who were genuinely pleased to try and unfathom the demands we placed upon them with mime.

A couple of days later we made it to the more their cosmopolitan capital with the coolest name in the world… Tegucigalpa! We visited bars, the typical kind that you’d imagine in any Central American country but it wasn’t until we left the city that we stumbled across a wooden beer shack which was more my type of joint. They loved us and we stayed for a few beers, I’d go back but it’s a bit far to be my local.

The final day saw us visit a school that was being sponsored for children that had been taken out of child labour. They were being taught how to grow crops sustainably along with more traditional studies. It was truly inspirational, I was given my own straw hat and they took us to the fields to see their crop. They had very little, but with the eagerness they worked the land you could tell it was done with pride.

That last day really made Honduras and it’s people stand out for me; and somehow I don’t see their football team as being quite so bad now.