Skin Vs Newspaper

First a confession, as a foolish 19 year-old I was “inked”. My tattoo was ill thought out and slightly wonky, it’s only redeeming feature is that as a flighty teen I was accompanied to the backstreet parlor by the future Mrs. Jason. Its faded design now serves as a memory of that day.

If I’d only known how much better it could have been. On Saturday I went to ‘The Great British Tattoo Show’ and found out just what works of art can be created with a needle. The artists at work were just that, creating painterly images, intricate and visually articulate.
The designs however, did vary… from Captain Kirk and Dr. Spok to one girl who had a portrait of herself as a zombie tattooed on her own arm.

What I really enjoyed was how much participants relished being photographed. Funnily enough, most of the attendees were exhibitionists and didn’t disappoint when I set up a few portraits before a quick edit.
The images were used really well in the paper, taking their place as ‘light news’ on page 3.

The paper and my pictures will be replaced in the newsagents tomorrow, not like the more permanent canvasses on display at the show.
For the talented Sarah Morrison’s story on the event click here.